Tips on getting your Dachshunds cage ready for plane.

Pimp your Dachshunds cage. 


Tips on getting your Dachshund’s crate ready to go on a plane. 

When you fill out the forms and hand over your dog to the Pet Cargo department, he begins a journey without you to monitor him, similar to your luggage.

Luggage not arriving is an inconvenience; you file a complaint and let off a bit of steam at the lost luggage office, buy a new set of underwear and a toothbrush and hope that it magically appears at your hotel before the end of your vacation.

Your dog not arriving is unforgivable and stressful to say the least.

When he transferred between the warehouse, cargo, and plane, you want everyone to remember his crate. The more it stands out from the other crates the better.

more….. click here for Tips on how to prepare your Dachshund’s crate for a flight

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